Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Behold the Arctopus - Skullgrid

A lot of people would write off music like this as "tech-wankery", and I can understand why -- it's very technical and purposefully dissonant "math metal" with almost zero traces of musical convention. However, I must respectfully disagree with such an accusation -- not because I don't think that there is some self-indulgence in here, but because I think that music like this can be enjoyed if listened to "in the moment" with a pre-existing appreciation for the extreme metal aesthetics contained therein. Searing blast furnace death metal shredding, heavy and exuberant drumming, crushing doom sludge, and bulldozer bass are all delivered here in a very finely orchestrated technical assault. Besides, you can't say that there are no melodies or riffs in here: Just listen to the quiet breakdown in "Canada" or the opening riff in "Some Mist". These guys are clearly very devoted to their music -- they'd have to be to go through all the trouble of learning to compose and play this shit -- and it's a shame that they've garnered such stigma from both their cynical detractors and arrogant hipster pseudo-fans.

Favorite track: "You Are Number Six"
Least favorite track: "Skullgrid"

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