Friday, January 20, 2012

Black Dice - Broken Ear Record

An annoying (though clever) album cover, but a fascinating album. Black Dice are one of those groups who can really change the way you listen to music if you can relate enough to what they're doing. I was hooked from the moment I first saw the music video for "Smiling Off" (which is quite a mindfuck, by the way) on YouTube. A brief way to describe this album would be, "non-musical electronica made musical". These guys create abstract compositions of odd electronic non-melodies, contorted rhythms, and samples/loops all sorts of strange noises and mumbling, all of which are played and repeated in such a way that they start to sound somewhat normal. It has to be heard to be believed. Even if you don't like this album, you have to admit that it's incredibly interesting and original, which is a difficult feat in this day and age.

Favorite track: "Street Dude"
Least favorite track: "Twins"

Get it here

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