Friday, January 20, 2012

Glenn Danzig - Black Aria

This dark ambient/classical hybrid can be quite mesmerizing once you get past the silly MIDI timbre and at times stereotypically "spoooooky" atmosphere that pervades the album. To my dim understanding, this is a concept album that chronicles the rise and defeat of a group of angels battling against Lucifer's minions and his subsequent rise to power. Pianos, strings, choir, timpani drums and "dungeon"-like percussion, and haunting keyboard are used to create a sound that is admittedly more entertaining than it is genuinely frightening (if that's the effect that Danzig was going for). It sounds wonderful, though I can't say that it frightens me anymore than it conjures images of a self-important prima-donna who wishes Halloween was year-round sulking in his dark basement away from the world and never showering. Do not misinterpret: I'm not some prosaic materialist who can't divine powerful thoughts and feelings from music like this ("The Morrigu" takes me away like nothing else). I believe in the transcendental power of music whether it's like this or not -- just not in the same way that a lot of hardline mythologists might believe. Anyhow, Black Aria is great for the darkness and mystique, and tracks like "Battle for Heaven" conjure some pretty powerful images.

Favorite track: "The Morrigu"
Least favorite track: "And the Angels Weep"

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